Our Clients Choice: B2B Extensions for Magento 2
The world quarantine shows us that no matter what type of business you have, small or enterprise, ‘online’ is no longer a buzzword; it’s a must-have strategy for each merchant. It’s especially crucial for B2B companies because they have a more complex workflow with procurement processes, suppliers, and clients. To be on the same level as B2C colleagues, B2B companies need to leave an extensive and old-school catalog overboard.
And no doubt, new technologies help B2B eCommerce owners transform their old digital catalogs into a functional eCommerce store that will meet all consumers’ expectations.
We interviewed our five B2B customers to select the best B2B extensions for Magento 2 to force the internal workflow and improve sales.
1. Hide Price
Hiding price functionality can boost customer engagement. As in most cases, your clients shop in bulk; you can hide bulk prices from guests and show only per item price with the remark “Login to see the bulk price.” This feature will be helpful for merchants who have different prices for different customer groups, as they will see the relevant prices only after the login.
Extensions that you can use to hide price at your Magento website:
1) Hide Price extension by MageComp
- Cost: $49.00
- Learn more: https://marketplace.magento.com/magecomp-module-hideprice.html
2) Advanced Hide Price by Amasty
- Cost: $169.00
- Learn more: https://marketplace.magento.com/amasty-module-hide-price.html
3) Hide Price by Meetanshi
- Cost: $39.00
- Learn more: https://marketplace.magento.com/meetanshi-magento2-hide-price.html
2. Request For Quote
Request for Quote (RFQ) is an excellent tool for merchants who sell very custom products,in-stock products, or prices depending on the product’s features. RFQ helps enhance communication between you and your client, offer exclusive discounts, or create custom offers.
Customers can apply for a quote for one or several products or even add products to the cart and request a quote on the entire cart.
We can recommend the following Magento extensions:
1) Request For Quote by Cart2Quote
- Сost: €399 – €799
- Learn more: https://www.cart2quote.com/magento2-quotation-module-editions.html
2) Request For Quote by Mageplaza
- Cost: $249.00
- Learn more: https://www.mageplaza.com/magento-2-request-for-quote/
3. Quick Order
Quick Order can increase the conversation rate, thanks to simplifying the buying process. If your customers always know what to order or have regular purchases, the Quick Order extension can be a perfect fit. Customers can add multiple products in the needed quantity quickly and easily.
Quick Order extension that you can install:
1) Quick Order by Wyomind
- Cost: $161.00
- Learn more: https://marketplace.magento.com/wyomind-quickorder-meta.html
2) Quick Order by WebKul
- Cost: $99.00
- Learn more: https://marketplace.magento.com/webkul-module-quick-order.html
3) Quick Order By SKU by Aheadworks
- Cost: $149.00
- Learn more: https://marketplace.magento.com/aheadworks-module-quick-order.html
4. Sales Reps And Dealers
Sales Reps and Dealers are a powerful extension that will enhance the sales representative’s work. You will see the list of orders of every sales rep; it’s beneficial if you have a commission-based business model.
You can also build very personal communication with your clients by assigning a specific dealer for the customer.
Our clients recommend selecting from these two extensions:
1) Magento 2 sales rep extension by Landcover
- Cost: Free
- Learn more: https://landofcoder.com/magento-2-sales-rep-extension.html
2) Sales Reps and Dealers by Amasty
- Cost: $189.00
- Learn more: https://amasty.com/sales-reps-and-dealers-for-magento-2.html
5. Company Account For Multiple Sub-Users
For many B2B businesses, approval workflow is a critical process, especially for purchases.
With this extension, you can provide a possibility to create a company account for your clients on your Magento store and assign accesses and roles for the users. And every client’s employee will have specific permission when they log in.
Out top choice extensions:
1) Multi-User Account by CreativeMinds
- Cost: $149.00
- Learn more: https://marketplace.magento.com/cminds-module-multiuseraccounts.html
2) B2B Company Accounts by Aheadworks
- Cost: $299.00
- Learn more: https://ecommerce.aheadworks.com/magento-2-extensions/company-accounts
3) Magento 2 company account by BSS Commerce
- Cost: $119.00
- Learn more: https://bsscommerce.com/magento-2-company-account-extension.html
6. Catalog Permissions
Personalized content becomes really personalized thanks to this extension. Catalog permission is an extension that will help you to build a partnership relationship by displaying relevant products, prices, and content for different clients.
This extension can become your loyalty booster, especially if you combine it with the Loyalty program extension and hide the price.
You can choose your Catalog Permissions extension here:
1) Customer Group Catalog Permissions by Aheadworks
- Cost: $249.00
- Learn more: https://marketplace.magento.com/aheadworks-module-customer-group-catalog-permissions.html
2) Catalog Permissions by Mageplaza
- Cost: $199.00
- Learn more: https://www.mageplaza.com/magento-2-catalog-permissions/
7. Procurement Management
If your business is not ready for a procurement system or ERP solution, but you are selling online and have a complex workflow with suppliers, dealers, and others in it, you can check these two extensions.
With the Procurement Management extension, you can easily manage suppliers, purchase orders, manage quotations and shipments.
1) Procurement Management by Boost my shop
- Cost: $375.00
- Learn more: https://marketplace.magento.com/boostmyshop-module-supplier.html
2) Magento 2 Purchase Order by Webkul
- Cost: $199.00
- Learn more: https://store.webkul.com/magento2-purchase-order.html